RalphHorsley on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ralphhorsley/art/Tall-Trees-56667064RalphHorsley

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Daily Deviation

March 4, 2011
Tall Trees by *RalphHorsley Such beautiful work and it is a game background. Breathtaking! If you haven't a chance to look around the gallery of *RalphHorsley, I suggest that you do so immediately!
Featured by WDWParksGal
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Tall Trees



Tall Trees

Acrylic; approx 10" x 7.5"

Forgotten Realms, Champions of Valor; internal illustration.
©Wizards of the Coast.

Original artwork sold

Two weary travellers wend their way up the broad avenue of trees, happy to have reached the comfort of home, as the sun dips to the horizon in the west.

In the brief for this piece I was asked to convey a vast elven/druidic tree city; Tall Trees.

I wanted to create a relaxed, atmospheric, feel to the place. Setting it at sunset allowed for the strong slanting yellow light, which helped me pick out the receding form of the trees, whilst adding mood to the setting.
Image size
1013x630px 171.81 KB
© 2007 - 2024 RalphHorsley
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Imagine it being a Minecraft biome.