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Temple of the Serpent



Temple of the Serpent

Novel cover artwork.
©Games Workshop; Black Library.

Acrylic, Approx 8.5" x 13.5".

Original artwork for sale; UK£900.

Having reached the top of their great Temple - none would be allowed to stand in the way of his conquest of it's dark mysteries.

This is the second novel cover for the Thanquol series of books for Games Workshop. The first can be found here:

Whilst the book, with full trade dress, can be seen here:[link]

As with the first cover I chose a low viewpoint to accentuate Thanquol's dominance, but set him against the open background to let his silhouette stand out strongly.

In most of my paintings I slip in a few details to reward those who take a closer look, and interestingly this is exactly what the editor at GW picked up on in his blog entry.
Image size
2196x2773px 1001.28 KB
© 2009 - 2024 RalphHorsley
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Bazil3282's avatar
I've heard that Thanquol somehow managed to kill Tehenhauin... I'm sorry, but THAT... IS... BULLSHIT!